Headmaster’s Welcome

“It is my privilege to be Headmaster of this exciting school and I do hope you will enjoy finding out more about us.  Our pupils are curious, capable and open to new challenges, whether that is helping with lambing our flock of sheep on the Farm or scaling to the top of our climbing wall, kayaking on the River Severn, or being a member of our Combined Cadet Force (CCF) contingent, at Bredon we firmly believe that confidence is the key to all round success.

Our community is a caring and compassionate one, where pupils learn to value kindness and tolerance of others. We are a happy school and understand that the wellbeing of our pupils is equal to their academic achievements. A greenhouse not a hothouse, we know that success isn’t just about preparing our children for examinations, we must also enable them to develop character, creativity, competency and confidence, so they are equipped to live happy and successful lives.

Equally at home inside and outside the classroom, our pupils are encouraged to think for themselves and to develop a life-long love of learning through our broad and enriching curriculum.

Our dedicated teachers, learning support team and boarding staff are passionate about encouraging every child here to seek new opportunities, find their passions and develop life-long friendships.

I hope our website gives you a flavour of life at Bredon. To understand who we are and what we are about, come and see us. There is something very special about this place that can only be experienced first-hand and I look forward to meeting you and introducing you to it.”

Mr Nick Oldham